Panasonic Electric Works introduces the SF4C Series type 4 light curtain for small machines.
Safeguard small machines with a new type 4 light curtainCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, the Panasonic Electric Works Corporation of America SF4C Series. This product expands on the SUNX brand safety product line from Panasonic Electric Works to offer a solution for small machines without sacrificing productivity. The SF4C series has a slim 13 mm profile for near flush mounting on the inter
ior of a machine opening. Each model is packaged with a mounting bracket attached that can be used for both standard and zero dead zone mounting. Large multi-purpose LED indicators are built into the light curtain with two colors, red and green, that are activated via two external inputs. This allows the indicators to be used as operation indicators, error indicators, etc. The system also includes two safety inputs that allow for a consolidated safety system by passing door switches and e-stop buttons through the light curtain itself. This eliminates the need for a separate safety
Controller for the other safety peripherals on a machine. All safety aspects on the machine are now linked to the two OSSD outputs on the SF4C light curtain. The SF4C series has a 20 mm beam pitch with a response speed of 7 ms regardless of the length. Model sizes range from 160 mm up to 640 mm
CONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, and are available with a 5M cable or a 0.5M pigtail quick connect. Manufacturer suggested retail price starts from $572.