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Plant Deployment Demonstrates Wireless Standard

www.cechina.cn2009.11.13阅读 16014

        New technologies are typically launched with a demonstration project that puts the equipment to work in a real-life plant environment. In what may be one of the fastest deployment projects, the ISA100.11a Wireless Compliance Institute (WCI) has completed an installation of a fully operational wireless instrumentation network following the new standard at the Arkema organic peroxide plant in Crosbywww.cechina.cn, TX.
        This project was already operating even though the standard had been ratified for less than a month. It involves a group of specific monitoring points in the brownfield plant that were either inadequately instrumented or where the company wants to expand coverage into new areas. According to WCIwww.cechina.cn, the devices are deployed in several areas:

Gastronics is among device vendors operationg in an ISA100

        • Gastronics is among device vendors operationg in an ISA100.11a network at an Arkema plant. 

Honeywell and Nivis provide gateways

        Honeywell and Nivis provide gateways. 

        500,000 gallon firewater tank: Wireless level sensor ensures firewater tank is full at all times;
        •Cold storage: Wireless temperature and door sensors provide central reporting of exception conditions at cold storage warehouses;
        •Wastewater tank: There is a wired level sensor on a wastewater tank that feeds its values into a satellite Control room close to the tankCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, but not the central control room. To provide central visibility to this information, an ISA100.11a adaptor sends the data to the central control room; and
        •Gas sensor: One wireless SO2 sensor was installed alongside an existing wired sensor. Following a successful pilotwww.cechina.cn, wireless gas sensing can be expanded.




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