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Reliable Operations for Perishable Products

www.cechina.cn2009.08.13阅读 2789

        With its equipment installed in ice cream manufacturing plants all around the worldwww.cechina.cn, it’s handy to have a way to troubleshoot and edit operating and safety programs from centralized locations. As it designs and deploys its industrial ice cream plants控制工程网版权所有, Gram Equipment uses Rockwell Automation’s scalable and flexible platforms to help provide the monitoring and Control it needs to ensure process optimization and product quality. Located in Vojens, in
southern Denmarkwww.cechina.cn, Gram Equipment delivers tailor-made, complete production lines to ice cream producers and other food processing firms looking for integrated solutions. These solutions include everything from individual assembly lines to complete production plants

Gram Equipment has produced automation systems for plants that can run up to 30 servo drives with integrated safety

        Gram Equipment uses Allen-Bradley PowerFlex and Kinetix servo drives communicating via Ethernet/IP and DeviceNet with frequency transformers, controllers, I/O modules控制工程网版权所有, and HMI systems.
        with mixing equipment and packaging lines. With more customers looking for increasingly advanced solutions, new installations now typically require increasing production speed, new levels of complexity, and many specialized functions. As an example, Gram Equipment is currently constructing a very large production line that will be able to produce 36,000 units per hour. Of course, every element in the system must work reliably and with a minimum of down time.
        From many solutions to one
        Before implementing Rockwell Automation’s Safety solution two years agowww.cechina.cn, Gram often experienced problems with traditional safety systems, typically comprising a PLC, a separate safety PLC, and a servo system. Operators and maintenance staff had to learn how to use three different software programs, including how to connect the systems so they could communicate with



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