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Ethernet gateway makes PLCs 'future proof’

www.cechina.cn2009.10.22阅读 1964

Moxa MGate EIP3000 gateways provide 1- or 2-port DF1-to-EtherNet/IP protocol conversion to connect Allen-Bradley PLCs to an EtherNet/IP network
        Moxa MGate EIP3000 gateways provide 1- or 2-port DF1-to-EtherNet/IP protocol conversion to connect Allen-Bradley PLCs to an EtherNet/IP network

        Moxa’s MGate EIP3000 series products provide 1 or 2-port DF1 to EtherNet/IP protocol conversion for users who need to connect Allen Bradley PLCs to an EtherNet/IP network. The EIP3000 series products can be used to provide the PLCs with remote maintenance capability. By supporting PCCC objects on CIP, the MGate EIP3000 can communicate seamlessly with Rockwell Ethernet devices. The gateway products support up to eight EtherNet/IP clients and eight EtherNet/IP servers simultaneously, and each client can send up to 16 requests at one time. Moxa provides a user-friendly Microsoft Windows utility with multiple language support for use with MGate products. The utility also provides traffic monitoring for EtherNet/IP and DF1 protocols. Each MGate EIP3000 gateway supports virtual serial ports. A remote PC uses a Moxa-provided Real COM or TTY driver to connect to the gateways’s virtual serial port. RSLinx and SCADA systems can use the virtual COM port to communicate with a PLC through the gateway. The virtual serial port function gives RSLinx or SCADA systems the ability to connect to multiple DF1 PLCs through an EIP3000 protocol gateway as well as EtherNet/IP devices. When using termination resistors to prevent serial signal reflectionCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, it is important to set the pull high/low resistors correctly so that the electrical signal is not corrupted. Since no set of resistor values is universally compatible with all environmentswww.cechina.cn, this gateway has DIP switches for setting the termination and pull high/lo resistor values.




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