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CSIA's Best Practices and Benchmarks: The Industry's Guiding Doctrine

www.cechina.cn2009.08.13阅读 2638

        The Control System Integrators Association (CSIA) embarked on a program in early 1995 to provide business Best Practices & Benchmarks by and for control systems integrators for the express purpose of raising the image of our industry through self improvement.
        CSIA-certified members adhere to these best practices in all aspects of business. This means they have in place the processes and procedures
that foster honest contracts and fair risk allocationwww.cechina.cn, proper billingCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, project management that focuses on adherence to schedule, quality assurance for consistent resultsCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, and measured customer service.
        The current collection of Best Practices & Benchmarks represents the third major revision since the program began. Feedback from many member companies and clients from a broad range of industries has contributed enormously to the content of this document.
        This current release adds information related to system development lifecycle, supporting activitiesCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, adjusts the scope of project management and significantly updates human resource management. These revised Best Practices & Benchmarks raise the bar in our industry and help the CSIA membership fulfill its mission—to bring successful system integration to the marketplace. The chart at right details all functions addressed by CSIA's Best Practices and Benchmarks.
        Learn more about the Best Practices & Benchmarks and the process of certification at www.controlsys.org/about/practices_benchmarks.htm.

Though these topics are common to almost all businesses

        Sections 1-4 (green) represent corporate functions of the integrator which are not directly tied to generating revenue. Though these topics are common to almost all businessesCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, CSIA's Best Practices & Benchmarks tailor them to issues



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