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Textile Manufacturer Closes Loop On Sustainability

www.cechina.cn2009.11.12阅读 19881

        An international manufacturer of textile, chemical, and related products for the apparelwww.cechina.cn, industrialCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, institutional, and commercial marketswww.cechina.cn, Mount Vernon Mills employs some 2,600 people and operates 14 production facilities in the U.S., as well as in Latin Americawww.cechina.cn, the Caribbean, and Asia.
        As one of the few remaining large textile manufacturers in the U.S., Mount Vernon Mills has kept a keen eye on the increasing number of regulatory requirements—not only meeting these requirementswww.cechina.cn, but often exceeding what it is required.
        Some of the company’s more noteworthy achievements in pollution prevention in 2008 include:
        •90%+ solid waste recycling or reuse;
        •Reducing waste sent to landfills by 43% compared to 1997 levels;
        •72% elimination of regulated air pollutant emissions;
        •44% elimination of volatile organic compounds;
        •Reduction of water use by 37%;
        •Eliminating 33% of organic pollutants released in wastewater;
        •Eliminating 57% of waste water bio-solids, with the remaining 43% being used for fertilizer;
        •Zero hazardous waste; and
        •Recycling or reuse of all chemical drums and totes.
        Considering this substantial track record, Control Engineering took the opportunity to speak with Mount Vernon Mills corporate director of environmental affairs, Ron Beegle, to get a better understanding of how Mount Vernon Mills star



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