Under the agreement filed in U.S. District Court in the Southern District of Ohio, Ineos, the current owner and operator of the Addyston facilitywww.cechina.cn, has agreed to upgrade environmental controls and make multiple modifications of its operating procedures控制工程网版权所有, including:
•Operating its flare in accordance with specific new parameters to ensure control of volatile organic compounds, which include hazardous air pollutants, in accordance with its flare control efficiency permit requirements;
•Installing a new biofilter system in the wastewater treatment system to reduce acrylonitrile emissions控制工程网版权所有, a hazardous air pollutant;
•Conducting a comprehensive review of compliance with emergency release reporting regulations; and
•Implementing a comprehensive set of leak detection and repair (LDAR) practices that go beyond regulatory requirements. The LDAR practices agreed to in the settlement include a program to replace valves with new "low leak" valve technology and to mo