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Driving Quality With Compliance

作者:Gordon Benzie, Apriso2009.01.05阅读 3862

  The efforts to bring you into compliance with regulatory requirements can also drive larger company-wide quality efforts.
  Certainty? “In this world nothing is certain but death and taxes.” If Benjamin Franklin was updating his famous quote for todaywww.cechina.cn, he might add a third item to his well known list: government regulations. It seems that no industry is immune, and given the global economy we all live and operate within控制工程网版权所有, neither is any country. Therefore, the issue for engineers is how to addr

ess these regulations effectively and easily, such that productivity does not suffer, and with the lowest total cost of implementation.
  It is within this capacity that a well integrated software application can pay a handsome return by automating data collection tasks while alerting users should a potential non-conformance event be detected. Typically, regulatory compliance, though dealt with, ranks low in importance compared to other corporate initiatives. After all, how often has a government or regulatory compliance initiative been seen as a top strategic program necessary to make the year’s budget?
  Therein lies both the challenge and the opportunity.
  Taking a holistic view of compliance, one could argue that this process consists of three steps控制工程网版权所有, each of which is shared with best practices of achieving—and continuing to improve—exceptional quality:
  Collecting the right data;
  Performing the appropriate business processes and validating their completion; And控制工程网版权所有,
  Filing the necessary paperwork and reporting to demonstrate compliance.
  Given the high internal visibility and need for performing at the highest quality standards, it is hard to imagine a global manufacturer today that isn’t acutely aware of what its quality performance metrics are, as well as how they fare compared to the competition. And控制工程网版权所有, if you are outsourcing some of your operations offshoreCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, multiply that concern by another factor, based on the fact that it is hard enough to manage quality within just you



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