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Fieldbus Foundation releases updated H1 interoperability test kit

www.cechina.cn2011.12.05阅读 6272

The Fieldbus Foundation has updated its H1 Interoperability Test Kit (ITK) 6.0.1. The powerful toolCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, which tests the functionality of an H1 (31.25 kbit/s) fieldbus device and its conformity with the FOUNDATION function block and transducer block specificationswww.cechina.cn, is available to members holding an active maintenance agreement.
H1 ITK 6.0.1 reflects the Fieldbus Foundation's commitment to quality and the continuous improvement of solutions supporting developers of Foundation fieldbus products. The updated test kit addresses bug fixes to the NI-FBUS Communication Manager (4.0.1) software, resolving issues related to alarms and obsolete descriptor errors. It also includes miscellaneous bug fixes to H1 device test cases.
The H1 interoperability test suite can be paired with an ITK Automation Tool designed to eliminate several manual intervention steps required when performing pre-registration testing of fieldbus devices. The tool improves ITK schedule eFFiciency and reduces the time needed to complete the testing phase.
For more information, visit the Fieldbus Foundation website.




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