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Planning Cuts Automation Project Risk

www.cechina.cn2009.09.24阅读 5306

        Risk reduction is often cited as one of the primary benefits of hiring a system integrator for an automation project. After allwww.cechina.cn, experienced practitioners in any technical discipline are generally more successful than enthusiastic amateurs, and system integrators are the subject matter experts when it comes to designing and installing industrial automation systems. But even the most talented system integrators can't make an automation system work
properly without knowing what it's supposed to do.
        "Identifying and recording the end user's requirements is the single largest factor in defining a project's success," says Dean Streckwww.cechina.cn, chief operating officer of VI Engineering. "We tell our people who are doing project-based work every day that they must clearly define what they are going to do — in writing — before starting and also document how they are going to prove that they have met those requirements."

V-model project development methodology

        V-model project development methodology was originally formulated by the Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP) Forum and has been incorporated into the Best Practices of the Control System Integrator Assoication. Left half of the V shows the planning required for each testing step shown on the right half of the V.
        Brent Stromwall控制工程网版权所有, vice president of Polytron agrees. "A clearly stated project and communications plan are essential to ensuring that the integrator and the client's stakeholders agree what 'success' and 'done' look like."
        After allwww.cechina.cn, says Jerry Armstrong控制工程网版权所有, applications engineer at Walco控制工程网版权所有, "there is nothing that will deflate a customer's confidence faster than an after-the-order-is-given statement such as, 'I didn't know that was part of your requirements.' The salesman or application engineer that is responsible for quo



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