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High-tech Cart Control System

www.cechina.cn2009.08.12阅读 5005

        Unique, new automatic guided carts (AGCs) with advanced-automation features are having a major impact at a new distribution center built by a major carbonated-beverages producer in the southeastern part of the U.S. The AGCs consist of a standard burden-carrier base with an adaptable top to which different load-handling devices, such as roller decks or lifting forks, can be added. They have onboard battery systems that can power the cart for up to

eight hours and, with opportunity charging, can fully recharge in as little as five minutes. The AGC system also features RFID technology onboard. However, the newest significant concept is its Control system.
        “The new AGCs are easier for end users to integrate and cost about half as much as traditional automated guided vehicleswww.cechina.cn, making the technology attainable for far more applications than previously possible控制工程网版权所有,” says Tommy Hessler, CEO of America in Motion (AIM), maker of the carts.

 New automated guided carts are easier to integrate and cost less<span class=CONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, AIM says. " src="http://www.cechina.cn/upload/article/184b6e84-1ff1-47d5-aaa1-30b256d3d58a/1_new.jpg">

        New automated guided carts are easier to integrate and cost lessCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, AIM says. 

        “It’s quite easy to add or remove capacity based on the type of load the AGC must handle, due to the modular structure of the Beckhoff controls.”
        Controls from Beckhoff Automation LLC have allowed AIM to integrate intelligence into the vehicle, notes Theresa Blasius, vp of engineering at AIM. “Our AGCs can be best utilized in applications that already have some automation control, such as robot cells or automatic conveyor systems with a PLC. Via OPC (open connectivity via open standards), these types of controllers can easily command our AGC to carry the load anywhere in the facilitywww.cechina.cn,” she says.
        For the beverage producer控制工程网版权所有, Derek Clever, project manager, says, “We looked into som




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