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Customized Insurance Programs Meet Unique Needs of CSIA Members

www.cechina.cn2009.08.15阅读 2377

        CSIA’s Insurance Programs were created to respond to CSIA members’ need for appropriate and cost-effective coverage that reflected the exposures associated with Control system integration. This need resulted from the insurance world’s lack of understanding about the operations of a control system integrator. Many CSIA members noted that they believed their insurance arrangements were inappropriatewww.cechina.cn, leading them to be misclassified and resulting in
potentially dangerous gaps in coverage.
        In 2001www.cechina.cn, CSIA brought in Paul BarnardCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, an independent insurance broker. Paul worked directly with CSIA members to obtain a full understanding of their activities. He collated historical loss information that proved CSIA members are an excellent insurance risk. With this knowledge he then proposed a long-term plan to develop and implement an insurance program to permanently address the need for availability of business insurance for the U.S.-based membership.
        Subsequently, CSIA has built on the initial success of the program with the development of two additional programs designed to meet specific needs of CSIA members. First, for those that have the need for surety bonding, a facility was negotiated with a bonding company that has an understanding of control systems integration and an appetite to write this business.
        SecondlyCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, following demand from membership for insurance coverage outside the United Stateswww.cechina.cn, CSIA has negotiated a program to provide Professional Errors & Omissions coverage that includes the United States’ exposures of non-U.S.-based membership.
        The CSIA insurance programs are the only insurance packages available to control system integrators. Coverages are specifically crafted to protect against the exposures inherent in control sy



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