Huntsville, Ala. – February 23CONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, 2006 – GE Fanuc Embedded Systems, a unit of GE Industrial, today announced that it has joined the board of directors of VITA, the trade association dedicated to fostering open systems architecture in a variety of embedded systems applications.
美国阿拉巴马州亨茨维尔市 (Huntsville, Ala),2006 年 2 月 23 日讯 - 通用电气工业系统集团旗下的通用电气发那科内嵌系统部于今日宣布加入VITA董事会,VITA是一家致力于在各种嵌入式系统应用领域的开放式系统架构的商业机构。
硬件技术部副总裁吉姆•柏林(Jim Berlin)将出任通用电气发那科在VITA董事会的首席代表。“通用电气发那科长期致力于提供卓越的解决方案、推动未来技术的发展,以实际行动履行对VMEbus标准的承诺”他说,“我们期望在新的委员会和工作组中发挥积极的作用控制工程网版权所有,为业界提供尖端技术。”
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems has been designing and developing VMEbus products since 1986 and has been an integral part of industry standard activities on this platform for the past 20 years.
自 1986 年以来,通用电气发那科嵌入式系统部就开始致力于VME VMEbus产品的设计和开发,在过去的20年中控制工程网版权所有,已成为了行业标准活动平台中不可或缺的参与者。
GE Fanuc Embedded Systems has been successful in promoting a new mezzanine standard working group referred to as "VITA 56." VITA 56 enables a modular building block design for both industry standard and proprietary Host Boards. This specification enables larger markets with more unique functions and creates economies of scale that lower prices.
通用电气发那科嵌入式系统部已经成功地建立了一个新的中间(mezzanine)标准工作组,即 “VITA 56”。 VITA 56 为行业标准和专用主机板实现模块化构造块设计。这一规