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2005.11.15阅读 1442

  Emerson’s Analyze Software Improves Operator Effectiveness

  Emerson’s DeltaV? Analyze software is now available to improve operator effectiveness by assessing unusual alarmwww.cechina.cn, event, and operator activity. Unlike other limited alarm management approaches, DeltaV Analyze identifies these unusual occurrences, trends in plant alarmswww.cechina.cn, control modules responsible for those alarmswww.cechina.cn, and delivers information on structured web pages for rapidwww.cechina.cn, easy access. DeltaV Analyze examines alarmswww.cechina.cn, events, and
operator actions from the plant Event Chronicle or Plant-Wide Event historian. It highlights the most frequently occurring alarms and the control modules responsible for those alarms.

  "Often just 10 of the control modules contribute to more than 42% of the plant alarmswww.cechina.cn," said Cindy Scott, DeltaV Operator Interface product manager. "By addressing a few problem areas it may be possible to dramatically improve overall operator effectiveness." The analysis overview quickly helps identify if plant alarmswww.cechina.cn, operator actions or events are trending properly month to month. Alarms are sorted and reported in the order of their frequency. The software also compares alarms with the industry standard EEMUA 191 recommended best practices.

  The Overview display of this software provides a quick display of how alarmswww.cechina.cn, events and user actions are trending month to month. Viewing this screen may be enough to determine if the production facility is operating at acceptable limits. More detailed information can be gathered by focusing in on an areaCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, time period or event type. These detailed pages provide information to compare different aspects of alarms and events for up to 31 days on a scrollable timetable. The time duration can be directed down to the exact time of an event. The pages are interactive, such that a simple selection updates the page to show alarm frequency, statistics, user acknowledgements, alarm priority distributions or system events. This information can be easily incorp




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