Constant diagnostic evaluation of electric motor-operated valves (MOVs) has become an important tool for asset management控制工程网版权所有, predictive maintenance programs, troubleshooting, and scheduled periodic maintenance. Predictive functionality allows your maintenance personnel to be proactive in servicing, while limiting costly failures and unscheduled plant process shutdowns. During scheduled downtime, maintenance personnel are given the information they need to prioritize valve and actuator maintenance to make best use of scarce opportunities.
Dashboards show the condition and functionality of every valve in the program.
A typical GUI for a single valve.
Improvements in diagnostics
Diagnostic testing of electrically actuated valves began nearly 30 years ago to validate the operability of safety-related MOVs in the nuclear power industry. Since this periodic, manually-initiated form of diagnostic testing could identify problems in both the valve and actuator控制工程网版权所有, it became not only a tool to verify MOV operation, but also for troubleshooting and preventive maintenance.
In recent yearsCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, innovations within electronic smart actuation devices created a highly sophisticated but labor-intensive troubleshooting effort for plant personnel. To overcome the labor intensity, built-in-self-test (BIST) features, developed in conjunction with customer requirements, have removed the manual initiation and transformed the historical periodic diagnostic testing into a continuous, performed integrally within the electric actuator控制工程网版权所有, as shown in the diagnostic system dashboard graphic.
Today, electric valve actuators served by digital communication ne