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Industrial networking: Build Ethernet networks using device level ring technology

www.cechina.cn2009.08.10阅读 2236

        Rockwell Automation has embedded Ethernet device level ring (DLR) technology into its Integrated Architecture system for high-speed, high-performance applications needing resilient networks, and for machine builders looking for flexible, reliable, low-cost network solutions for their real-time EtherNet/IP applications. Throughout 2009, Allen-Bradley ControlLogix controllerswww.cechina.cn, I/O systems and Allen-Bradley Kinetix motion solutions with DLR technolog
y will be made available. Rockwell Automation will also release a stand-alone communication module to help manufacturers connect devices not equipped with DLR technology to the ring.
        DLR is a network technology for industrial applications that takes advantage of embedded switch functionality in automation end devices, such as I/O modules and programmable automation controllerswww.cechina.cn, to enable Ethernet ring network topologies at the device level. Unlike a network- or switch-level ring topology that provides resilience to the network infrastructure, DLR technology adds device-level network resilience to optimize machine operation. When a DLR detects a break in the ring, it provides alternate routing of the data to help recover the network at extremely fast rates. Enhanced diagnostics built into DLR-enabled products identify the point of failure, helping to speed maintenance and reduce mean time to repair.
        "Functional tests show that the typical recovery time for a 50-node device level ring is less than three millisecondswww.cechina.cn," said Mike Hannahwww.cechina.cn, managerCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, Networks Business, Rockwell Automation. "With this fast recoverywww.cechina.cn, most failures become invisible to devices on the network, and machines often continue operating without interruptions. Keeping production running on the plant floor helps increase machine uptime and productivity—important KPIs for today's manufacturers."



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