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Changing instrumentation, building motorcycles

www.cechina.cn2009.10.23阅读 2448

        “As one of the premier builders of custom motorcycles, Orange County Choppers will bring an unprecedented level of expertise and creativity to showcasing our mission (of energy efficient management methodology) through their design.”
        Please!!! Have they ever watched the show?
        Mikey will short out the super duper nickel metal halide battery pack and it will burst into flames. The old man will see the fire and start swearing and throwing stuffwww.cechina.cn, knocking the bench over with the fancy schmancy electric motor on it. Then Pauly will refuse to unplug the wires before he welds crap onto the frame and smoke the “Intelligent energy management system” into oblivion.
        And that’s just what happens before the first commercial break.
        Scott Lufkin
        Dashboards vs. real-time data
        Re: Enterprise software: Dashboards present more than just informationCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, online tutorial, 08/27/2009
        It seems so simple to state that 'dashboards can present real-time information from multiple systems’. The elephant in the roomwww.cechina.cn, however, is that those 'multiple systems’ need to be able to accommodate, record, and transact that data in real time. So in the case of Infor’s multiple ERP and supply chain products, that ability will vary wildly, with most of them unable to do most of those things in real time. Real time postings to the ledger at time of receipt? For lot Controlled inventory? With the material certification detail as passed by the quality department? All in real time? Nah, with Infor those all come from different systemsCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, if the data is even stored in a database as opposed to comment fields, document attachments控制工程网版权所有, etc. Infor



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