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Can a gasoline-diesel blend deliver cleaner, more efficient engines?

www.cechina.cn2009.08.10阅读 2626

        Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are asking: What if an engine could be programmed to harvest the best properties of both gasoline and diesel fuel sources at once by blending the fuels within the combustion chamber itself?
        The answer控制工程网版权所有, based on tests by the University's engine research group (headed by Rolf Reitz), would be a diesel engine that produces significantly lower pollutant e
missions than conventional engineswww.cechina.cn, with an average of 20% greater fuel efficiency as well.
        These dramatic results came from a technique Reitz describes as "fast-response fuel blending," in which an engine's fuel injection is programmed to produce the optimal gasoline-diesel mix based on real-time operating conditions.
        Under heavy-load operating conditions for a diesel truck, the fuel mix in Reitz's fueling strategy might be as high as 85% gasoline to 15% diesel; under lighter loadsCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, the percentage of diesel would increase to a roughly 50-50 mix. Normally this type of blend wouldn't ignite in a diesel engine, because gasoline is less reactive than diesel and burns less easily. But in Reitz's strategywww.cechina.cn, just the right amount of diesel fuel injections provides the kick-start for ignition.
        Reitz describes his strategy as "[changing] the fuel properties [of each] by blending the two fuels within the combustion chamber to precisely Control the combustion process, based on when and how much diesel fuel is injected."
        "Two remarkable things happen in the gasoline-diesel mix," Reitz says:
        1.The engine operates at much lower combustion temperatures because of the improved control-as much as 40% lower than conventional engines-which leads to far less energy



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