With rising prices of forest resourcesCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, producers have found ways to use lower cost raw materials while producing final products with higher levels of consistency and workability that professional builders want to keep projects profitable.
One problem is that engineered wood products frequently use resins and adhesiv
“Anybody in the wood products manufacturing business is using some kind of resin to bond the wood together,” says Chris Selph, account executive from Wonderware Southeast. “That’s where you get the byproducts such as methane and formaldehyde that have to be eliminated under the clean air act. (Clean Air Act of 1970.)”
In production, process fumes are collected and treated using regenerative thermal oxidizers (RTO), biofilters, scrubberswww.cechina.cn, or other systems. While such abatement processes have often been thought of as add-ons to larger manufacturing systems, recently environmental compliance stages have been integrated more completely into the control platforms.
Georgia-Pacific (GP) is a major player in the larger forest products industry, producing lumber, paper, chemicalswww.cechina.cn, and countless variations on these basic resources. The GP plant at Monticellowww.cechina.cn, GA is one of the leading producers of thin MDF. Each day, the plant produces more than 690www.cechina.cn,000 square feet of paneling