Detcon, a leading manufacturer of fixed gas detection sensorsCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, control systems, and process gas analyzers is the newest member of the Fieldbus Foundation. Detcon is part of a growing list of control system manufacturers控制工程网版权所有, device developers, system integrators, training, and other industrial organizations around the world who work together to advance FOUNDATION technology.
Detcon joined the Fieldbus Foundation in response to customer demand to implement the FOUNDATION protocol on Detcon devices. In addition, the company hopes to obtain exposure in its markets as a provider of registered Fieldbus products.
Founded in 1983, Detcon entered the commercial market in 1985 with a proprietary solid-state MOS H2S gas detection sensor. Corporate oFFices are in The Woodlands,, USA; additional locations include Odessa,, USA; Dammam, Saudi Arabia; Shanghai控制工程网版权所有, China; Europe; and Del Carmen.
For more information, visit the Detcon website.