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Pepperl+Fuchs remote I/O system ideal for expansion projects

www.cechina.cn2011.12.05阅读 6094

Pepperl+Fuchs' LB Remote I/O System for Foundation Fieldbus is ideal for expansion projects. It adapts traditional analog devices or discrete signals to the digital fieldbuswww.cechina.cn, enabling installed devices to remain in service and reducing project instrumentation costs. A modular systemCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, it enables up to 20 analog or 40 discrete signals to be connected to a FOUNDATION fieldbus segment.

The system is easily configurable with I/O modules for any signal type (4-20 mAwww.cechina.cn, RTD, thermocouple控制工程网版权所有, NAMUR inputs) that can be mixed and matched to meet the specific applicationCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, including intrinsically safe modules for hazardous areas. Its compact size and UL certifications make it perfect for field junction box installations, reducing cable runs and saving control room space.
More information on the LB remote I/O FOUNDATION fieldbus system can be found in Pepperl+Fuchs' new Remote I/O Engineers Guide. The comprehensive reference of point-to-bus communication structures and protocol includes technical data for the entire LB/FB remote I/O product family. Download the guide from the company website or request a hard copy.
For more information, visit the Pepperl+Fuchs website.




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