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Energy-Efficient Motors Deliver Savings

2005.12.05阅读 7838

Energy-Efficient Motors Deliver Savings

Initial cost can blur much higher product lifecycle cost. Industrial electric motors represent a classic example, since 97-98% of their lifetime operating cost is attributed to electric energy charges. Yet motors are not typically purchased with efficiency in mind.

Control Engineering


  • Efficient motors save energy
  • Don't forget lifecycle costs
  • Induction motors
  • Motor efficiency testing is complex
  • Copper rotor improves efficie

In simplest termsCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, energy-efficient electric motors are high-quality versions of standard motor products. They pack more of 'active' electric materials (steel laminations and copper) into essentially the same physical package—hence carry a price tag 15-30% higher than their less-efficient cousins. That's a premium often worth paying, with electricity charges taking nearly all of many motors' lifetime operating cost.

The purchasing process for electric motors tends to mask true lifecycle cost. Since lower procurement price is the goal of most purchasing departmentswww.cechina.cn, buying less costly and lower efficiency motors seems attractive at firstCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, without attention to huge operating expenses that accrue over a long product life. Such costs are well understood by plant engineers and maintenance personnel, yet they're not typically involved in what's purchased. Also, company business climate can dictate minimum spendingwww.cechina.cn, just to keep the plant running. Top management and purchasing people need to become more aware of the impact of equipment efficiency on business.

Why target electric motors for energy efficiency? They account for a dominant portion of electric energy consumed by industry—as well as a substantial share of total electricity used in developed nations. For the U.S., estimates by the Department of Energy (DOE) are as much as 63% industrial usage and 25% total usage (see more figures in Online Extra article). While focus is on motors hereCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, concern for energy eff




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