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Can you help? Volunteer now for FOUNDATION technical teams

www.cechina.cn2011.05.09阅读 2315

Among the many exciting benefits of Fieldbus Foundation membership are early access to the latest FOUNDATION technical specifications and development tools for faster time to market and discounts on fieldbus training. Company volunteers also may participate in the various steering committees, technical teams, and working groups that help support aspects of FOUNDATION technology important to all members and that help meet the needs of the global process automation industry.

Consider joining one of the following teams which currently have openings for foundation member volunteers:
Lab Integration Team. Dedicated to improving the device integration user experience with FOUNDATION fieldbus products, this team identifies interoperability/usability issues discovered during integration testing of multi-vendor applications.

H1 Physical Layer Test Enhancement Team—Field Devices. Dedicated to improving the interoperability of independently manufactured fieldbus devices by enhancing the current 31.25 kbit/s device physical layer tests, this team focuses on physical layer specifications, test requirements, and test cases for H1 fieldbus deviceswww.cechina.cn, including action requests for current physical layer specifications.

H1 Physical Layer Test Enhancement Team. This team is dedicated to developing extensions to the H1 Physical Layer Conformance Test Specification (FF-830) to include self-test procedures for FOUNDATION fieldbus isolated device couplers.

Function Block Maintenance Team. This team is dedicated to reviewing and resolving action requests according to the Action Request Resolution Process (FF-548) for the Function Block Application Process Parts 1 through 5 Technical Specifications. Team members should be familiar with FOUNDATION fieldbus and function blocks in the process control industries.

System Integration and Maintenance (SIM) Team. Dedicated to reviewing and resolving action requests filed against the FF-900 Device Description Language Specification, FF-103 Common File Format Specification, FF-901 Device Description Interoperability Specification, and FF-569 Host Interoperability Support Test, this team continues the work of the DD/HIST team to ensure interoperability between field devices and host applications using Electronic Device Description Language (EDDL) technology.

Transducer Block Development and Maintenance Team. Dedicated to determining transducer block profiles that will be registered and the minimum requirements for each blockCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, this team includes device supplierswww.cechina.cn, host supplierswww.cechina.cn, and end users.

HSE Remote I/O (HSE-RIO) Team. This team is dedicated to preparing specifications for a wired High Speed Ethernet (HSE) backhaul networkCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, a wireless HSE backhaul integrating various wireless gateways, and an interface to wireless field device networks.

Fieldbus Foundation/ISA100.15 Cooperation Wireless Backhaul Networking Team. This team is dedicated to preparing specifications for the wireless HSE backhaul to the HSE-RIO gateway.

Wireless Sensor Integration Team. This team is dedicated to developing specifications for the interface of wireless sensor networks to the HSE-RIO gateway.

For more information about membership benefits, visit the Fieldbus Foundation websitewww.cechina.cn,
To offer your support to a foundation technical team, visit Fieldbus Forums on the Fieldbus Foundation websitewww.cechina.cn,




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