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Yokogawa autonomous controller key factor in remote asset management

www.cechina.cn2011.05.09阅读 3738

Yokogawa’s Stardom FCN-RTU low-power autonomous controller is a key component for remote asset management. Registered as an integrated host class system, it brings FOUNDATION Fieldbus to inhospitable (-40 to 70° F) and hazardous (FM non-incendivewww.cechina.cn, ATEX Type “n”, and CSA) locations.

With FOUNDATION fieldbuswww.cechina.cn, operational expenditures (OPEX) are lowered because devices can be diagnosed and maintained from a central location控制工程网版权所有, eliminating the need for periodic visits to remote facilities such as oil and gas wellheads.

To simplify the introduction of this technology to new applications控制工程网版权所有, Yokogawa has enhanced the FCN-RTU’s engineering tool and improved the hardware’s reliability and functionality in a variety of ways.

The enhanced software and improved FOUNDATION fieldbus engineering tool features:

●An intuitive look and feel interface, including drag-and-drop operations for device definition and IEC61131-3-like logic programming;
●Improved program code reusability; and
●Compatibility with Microsoft Windows 7 for use with a wider selection of PCs.
The enhanced hardware oFFers greater reliability through:

●An error check and correct (ECC) memory that prevents software malfunctions caused by memory errors; and
●A battery voltage drop detection function that provides timely notification to operators of the need to back up parameters stored in volatile memory.

Pepperl+Fuchs also has DIN rail- and transmitter-mounted surge protection devices. Fieldbus surge protection is recommended for any cable run over 10 m to protect devices from lightning and surge damage. DIN rail units feature plug-in protection modules for easy maintenance without disrupting any field wiring. They can be mounted in the control room to protect power supplies and hosts or in field junction boxes to protect field devices and segment protectors. Transmitter-mounted surge protectors simply screw into the transmitter housing to protect the individual device.

For more information控制工程网版权所有, visit the Yokogawa website.




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