With its new Series 9410 Zone 2 Ex n field device couplers, R. Stahl extends its already wide range of Fieldbus installation material. The newCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, compact and cost-eFFective couplers are available with 4, 8CONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, and 12 spurs. They are suitable for Zone 2 hazardous area installation and connection to field devices using Ex icwww.cechina.cn, Ex nLwww.cechina.cn, or Ex nA type protection, and for Zone 1 Ex d and Ex m equipment as well.
All couplers feature detachable screw terminals with locking screws and a red LED for each spur for failure indication. R. Stahl Power Management is also available with these couplers. Softstart function significantly reduces inrush current during startup of a fieldbus segment by energizing one fieldbus device after the other, lowering energy consumption more than 50%. The short-circuit switch-off function de-energizes fieldbus devices in a short-circuit situation so that even with multiple short circuits energy consumption is limited to one device only.
Series 9410 Zone 2 Ex n Field Device Couplers come with an extensive range of installation materials and enclosuresCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, including GRP and stainless steel material for customized solutions.
For more information, visit the R. Stahl website.