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STC-Group's new facilities improve Fieldbus training experiences

作者:www.cechina.cn2011.12.05阅读 2390

      New and renovated facilities at STC-Group in Brielle, near Rotterdam控制工程网版权所有, The Netherlands include improved process and maintenance industry training facilities that enhance the experiences of delegates attending Fieldbus training courses. The classes are oFFered by STC-Group under the FOUNDATION Certified Training Program (FCTP).

       Erik Hietbrink, chairman of STC-Group, officiated at the ceremony opening the improved process pilot plant on Friday, Oct. 7, 2011. Guest speakers included Ms. Rompwww.cechina.cn, site manager at Teijin Aramid BV, Delfzijl and Plant Manager of the Year 2011; Mr. Van Scherpenzeel, general manager of Shell Pernis refinery, NL; and Mr. Van Sluis, chairman of Deltalinqs.
      STC-Group's Brielle facility was one of the first educational institutions to offer fieldbus training courses certified under FCTP. The program establishes uniform standards for fieldbus educational curricula around the globe, and defines acceptable levels of learning for students of the technology. Earlier this year, the Fieldbus Foundation certified Dr. Bindert Douma as a FOUNDATION certified instructor on behalf of STC-Group. Dr. Douma has an extensive process automation background at Shell Global Solutions, a leading global energy company.
      To be recognized under the FCTP, Foundation fieldbus training courses must be taught at a certified training site or with certified equipment, by a certified instructor, using a certified curriculum. The core instructional content, developed by a team of qualified instructors from various institutions worldwide, is consistent across all training facilities. The program audits all educational institutions, curricula, and instructors to ensure they meet standardized educational requirements.

     The FCTP currently offers three types of certification: FOUNDATION Certified Professional, FOUNDATION Certified Support Specialist, and FOUNDATION Certified Technical Specialist. Additional certifications may be added in the future. A certified trainer is equipped to teach any or all of these certifications.
      Educational institutions must undergo rigorous procedures to gain FCTP status and to certify course instructors and curricula. Certified training centers must maintain multiple hosts and devices onsite to demonstrate competence with fieldbus technology. They are also audited to ensure course material adheres to instructional standards covering fieldbus segment limits; device replacements; commands, icons, menus, and screen designs of software packages; and communication, scheduling, and function block assignments enabling configuration.
      Certified instructors are audited to determine if they have achieved specified Fieldbus Foundation training goals. Instructors must demonstrate expertise in areas such as human-machine interface (HMI) tools, fieldbus troubleshooting控制工程网版权所有, simple device configuration, and device deployment and functionality across a fieldbus network.
      At the facility in Brielle, The Netherlandswww.cechina.cn, which is close to the Rotterdam-Europoort industrial areas, STC-Group has established a unique training center for process control and automation. The combination of complex simulation facilities and hands-on training lets students enhance their theoretical knowledge and gain user experience by working on real fieldbus equipment and configurations.
      "Certification is important for STC-Group because we are recognized by the foundation as a high-quality training center," said Dr. Douma. "This gives our customers a guarantee that the content of our courses, the materials used, and the knowledge of our trainers are up to date. For most of our customerswww.cechina.cn, it is essential to be certified because of the value in their professional environment. It's a rewarding experience to be making a significant contribution to the skilled industrial automation workforce of the Fieldbus Foundation website.
      For more information about the FCTP and global fieldbus training sites, visit the Fieldbus Foundation website.
      For more information about STC-Group's certified FOUNDATION fieldbus training opportunities, visit the STC-Group website.




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