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Foundation issues transducer block specification for HART devices

作者:www.cechina.cn2011.12.05阅读 2415

      A FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management preliminary specification is now available from the Fieldbus Foundation. It addresses fieldbus transducer blocks for wired HART and WirelessHART devices控制工程网版权所有, and includes updates to the system architecture and data structures related to the transducer block specification.

      The new technical specification, part of the FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management solution implementing wireless and remote I/O, defines a fieldbus transducer block used to represent HART devices within FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management devices. Wired HART and WirelessHART devices may be represented in this block.
       In addition, the specification describes the expected method for HART configuration tools and asset-managing hosts to access HART devices using the native HART command protocol transported through the FOUNDATION High Speed Ethernet (HSE) network. The specification also defines structures to identify and maintain HART device status in wired multi-drop networks and WirelessHART mesh networks connected to FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management devices.
     “The new transducer block specification will benefit end users who need to be able to interface HART and WirelessHART devices to Foundation fieldbus to improve their integration with a control system or with FOUNDATION devices控制工程网版权所有,” said Dave Glanzer, Fieldbus Foundation director of technology development. “They may also require a networked method for an asset-managing host to access a large set of HART and WirelessHART devices for HART configuration and maintenance purposes.”
       Within the FOUNDATION architecture, H1 and HSE provide a distributed function block capability with HSE serving as a larger pipeline oFFering increased speed and throughput. FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management development expands these capabilities by establishing open, non-proprietary specifications for a wired or wireless HSE backhaul network integrating various wireless FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management devices with interfaces to wireless field device networks.
        HSE provides an efficient way to bring large concentrations of discrete and analog field I/O from modular devices to the control room using a high-speed HSE connection. Employing HSE devices functioning like a smart remote terminal unit (RTU), the technology brings all forms of conventional I/O into the native fieldbus environment easily. The solution makes discrete-in控制工程网版权所有, discrete-outwww.cechina.cn, analog-in控制工程网版权所有, analog-outwww.cechina.cn, and H1 fieldbus available over a common Ethernet network.
        Access to the FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management preliminary specification and other FOUNDATION technical specifications is a key benefit of Fieldbus Foundation membership. The FOUNDATION for Remote Operations Management specification is available free for review by foundation members. The document may be found in the Preliminary Specifications area of Fieldbus Forums. Anyone identifying private rights (for examplewww.cechina.cn, patentsCONTROL ENGINEERING China版权所有, copyrights, and trademarks) within the specification should email Fieldbus Foundation Member Servicesat any time during the review cycle.
        General information about established FOUNDATION fieldbus technical specifications is also available on the Specifications page of the Fieldbus Foundation website, or by emailing the foundation.




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